A chilean hot dog - "The completo" I really love the completos specifically, Italian. I love the combination of bread, sausage, tomato, avocado and mayonnaise. It is an explosion of flavor in the mouth. you can add ketchup and mustard as well. The completos are a great representation of the chilean culture like sopaipillas and the empanadas. The sausage is cooked in water, the bread is toasted, the tomate is sliced and the avocado is mashed. I like for many reasons, it is very cheap, although now that is changing for the economy, is very sad. I have many memories with the completos, i remember many "onces" with my family sharing completos. The completadas with my friends in high school to collect money. I`am a drummer and after to play in a concert i remember go with the band to eat completos, that is very happy moment. Also always after to a hard day in the University i go to it completos.